Governance Statement for Dry All

The governance is underpinned by a strong commitment to transparency, accountability, and the creation of sustainable value. We believe in upholding the highest standards of corporate governance to ensure the best interests of our stakeholders.

Effective Management: To realize our objectives, we prioritize effective management practices. Our management team, along with the Board, ensures that the company operates efficiently and ethically. We strive to maintain a conducive environment of corporate governance for all employees, officers, and directors within Dry All.

Robust Framework: Dry All has established a robust framework that encompasses internal controls, risk management processes, and corporate governance policies. These practices are tailored to meet the specific needs of our business. This framework is designed to ensure responsible management and conduct in all our operations.

Governance Policies: Key governance policies and practices adopted by Dry All are documented in our governance framework. These policies are continually reviewed and updated to align with evolving industry standards and regulatory requirements. Additional governance elements are also detailed in our Company’s Constitution, which provides a comprehensive guide to our governance structure and principles.

At Dry All, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical and governance standards. We believe that a strong governance foundation is essential for our long-term success and for building trust with our stakeholders. Through the continuous efforts of our Board, management team, and dedicated personnel, we remain focused on achieving excellence in corporate governance while delivering exceptional value to our customers and shareholders.

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